GDFC Podcast Episode #2: Don’t Da Jump to Conclusions About 9th

GDFC’s Brian Tabata, Dustin Quebedeaux, Brian Moy, and Nick Powell discuss how the new rules previews for 9th edition will impact the future game
Show Notes:
00:40 – Introductions and our favorite models
05:00 – Aircraft soaring into the scene
13:10 – Thanks from tank players
17:15 – Hordes having a blast
26:30 – Covering the new terrain rules
32:10 – In the Nick of time
42:00 – The mindset you need to prepare for 9th

What do you think of the news of 9th edition? Share your thoughts on the news in the comments below, on social media, or find us on Reddit hanging out in r/Warhammer and r/WarhammerCompetitive.
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is a founding member of Grim Dark Filthy Casuals, Content Director, Editor, Author, Coach and Chief Dad Joke Officer
Charles Lowry
Great podcast. Sound quality was very good throughout episode. I very much enjoy the ‘leveled’ discussion this episode. I’ve found various forums, FB groups,etc… to be overly negative. As someone who has played every edition, it gets a bit tiresome to read or listen to the same ‘sky is falling’ opinions.
In regards to horde type armies, I have a feeling the rules are intentionally being written to curtail their usage. I suspect a lot has to do with the aesthetic. Twitch, YouTube and other streaming platforms have the ability to reach such a wide audience; much wider than GW stores and FLGS. Larger models show up better on these platforms . Streaming wise, GW certainly does not get the viewership as online gaming, but it is certainly a lofty goal to try and achieve. Cool models that can be easily seen via streaming will help expand this. I don’t think 150 Boyz or Cultists achieves the aesthetic GW prefers to market their product on streaming platforms.
If I were to build an Ork army right now, I’d be looking at all the new vehicles and larger kits available as the bulk of an army. As I type this, I think I am convincing myself to do this. 40K version of Fury Road, haha.
I am sure there are many other reasons, but I have not seen much discussion on the impact of streaming and 40K.
Again, great podcast and thanks for taking the time to read the ramblings of an old grognard.
Brian Tabata
Those are some excellent points! I streaming potential is a big reason they are pushing the game time down as well. If competitive players can get a tournament game in sub 2 hours I think that will go a long way into making the game more watchable, and push it more towards becoming an actual E-sport.