About Brian “wannaBmoy” Moy
I was born and raised in the Chicago metropolitan area with a nerd level exceeding 9,000. Careerwise, by day I’m in management consulting working mostly in the healthcare industry. My full-time jobs however, I’m a husband and dad trying to keep my 5-year old twin daughters and 4-year old son from eating all my food, and clogging all the toilets in my house. We live in the NW suburbs of Chicago and I’ve enjoyed being a part of a growing community of hygiene-compliant, socially well-adjusted, fun, and eclectic individuals who are invested in encouraging and supporting each other on the tabletop and in life.
How did you get involved with Warhammer 40K?
As I sit here staring fondly at my 2nd edition Eldar codex, I have a good friend to thank for the countless dollars and hours I’ve thrown at the hobby. He invited me over to play some “40K” back in 1994. I was immediately drawn to Chaos and bought as many characters that my $5 weekly lawn mowing allowance could afford. I then promptly proceeded to bathe them in chestnut oil screaming “BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!” My friend’s older brother happened to have a nifty army of space elves (Eldar) and they always piqued my interest.
What is your main faction?
Since 2nd edition, I’ve almost exclusively collected and played Eldar. I made a shift to Ynnari in 7th edition, and have played them for the better half of 8th edition. After the death of Ynnari (what is dead may never die) I began to diversify into all of the various Aeldari factions. Today my main “competitive” force is an Aeldari soup of Drukhari, Harlequins, and now reintroducing Craftworld Eldar again.

What is your favorite “fluff” faction?
This is a toss up between Ynnari and Grey Knights (honorable mention goes out to Custodes). I love the whole ninja, wizard, space elf diaspora that’s trying to avoid having their soul devoured narrative. Additionally, I have always been drawn to the lore of Grey Knights and Custodes and hopefully they get theirs in the upcoming Psychic Awakening books.
What do you enjoy most about the game of Warhammer 40K?
I really enjoy the community aspect in bringing people together as well as list design and game theory. The social aspect of the game can be so fulfilling to see how a common interest can bring people together as life-long friends.
Additionally, as a consultant who works with big-data and focuses on strategy, I love assessing changing environments and figuring out the most effective options for solving problems. 8th edition has been incredible to see how many times the meta has shifted and how you can develop different types of army lists that are personalized to your own playstyle, in order to accomplish what you want to do on the tabletop.
However, above all else, I enjoy failing 1″ charges with a CP reroll against Impulsors.

is the founder of Grim Dark Filthy Casuals, Assistant to the Editor in Chief, Author, Content Director, Resident Emo Aeldari Player, and Chief Filthy Casual